NOTE: The Reger Files were computerized and entered into an online manuscript catalogue. |
History of the repository
This repository is a component of the legacy of Tadeusz Reger (1872-1938), a political and social activist from Cieszyn. After the death of Tadeusz Reger, a part of his book collection and private archive was transferred to the City Museum in Cieszyn.
Contents of the repository
The collection includes documents and official files, notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, ephemera, etc. They are directly related to Tadeusz Reger or to people, organizations and institutions that he cooperated with, kept in touch with or in whose activities he was interested. In the 1970s, some magazines, newspapers, ephemera, brochures etc. which were originally a component of this collection were transferred to the collections of magazines, ephemera and books. The Reger Files include about 5,500 items.
Search system
The collection was sorted out in the 1970s by Jan Konieczny. In was divided into 118 thematic folders. Each of them contains from several dozen to over a hundred units, numbered from 1 in each folder. A unit is usually a single document and sometimes a group of documents. The repository was listed in an inventory drawn up on loose A4 sheets, with a lot of deletions, additions and information about the relocation of documents.
Unit description components
Every unit description includes:
- the next number in the same folder,
- title or identification of the content,
- incipit,
- creation date,
- external description (the relation to the original, the number of pages, dimensions, notes on the material and script)
Call mark
The call mark is made up of the letters TR, the number of the folder and the number of the unit in the folder, e.g. TR 1.27.
Essential literature
Wadowski: Księgozbiór Tadeusza Regera w Cieszynie, “Zaranie Śląskie” 1966, issue 1, pp. 133-136; K. Kubiński: Losy zbiorów bibliotecznych Tadeusza Regera, (in:) “Pamiętnik Cieszyński” vol. 10, 1995, pp. 47-65.